Seeing into the future is an ability we are kept from having (a real blessing, if we really think about it)! As much as we would like to know what will happen tomorrow, we can really never be certain. We can, however, make a forecast. We can look at the past, assess what is happening at present, and make an informed decision as to the plans we should make or actions we should take. We can prepare the ground, choose the most amenable place where’s there’s sufficient light for the seed to germinate and grow, plant the seed, and water as needed (and don’t forget to remove the weeds!). In the real estate arena, this process of thinking and taking sensible actions will propel us forward into expecting a harvest, at the very least (unless there’s a storm that wipes out our labors — so we need to be prepared for a rainy day–or hurricane–, too!). Thankfully, we don’t have to look far to find information that can help us in the arena of real estate as we make housing-related decisions this year, 2022. Individuals actually spend much time researching data so that a good forecast can be made. Here are two links that may help launch you off into your thinking and “planting” process:
Housing Market Overview (car.org)
2022 Housing Market Predictions and Forecast – Realtor.com.